Author: tompayne

Pacific Baptism

Tristan recieved his baptism in the Pacific Ocean at his father’s old surfing spot…the Huntington Beach Pier....


From Tristan’s first amusement park ride, to deep fried apple slices, to replicas of yet to be built 9/11 memorials, the family trip to Legoland was great fun…and a long time goal for Tom. Even thought the weather was pretty cold, Jennifer insisted that Tom get to make a...

Dixon reunion

On this trip to California, Tom was able to finally introduce Jennifer (and Tristan) to his buddy Adrian and his family. Tom has known Adrian and his son Andrew for over 20 years…even though Andrew is now only 17. Here is a picture of Tom and Andrew (along with...

Visiting Great Relatives

Tom and Jennifer took Tristan out to California to meet his Great Uncle Harold and Great Aunt Lida. The Trip also introduced Tristan to cousin Lida Ann and her son Jeff During the New Years week visit, Tristan discovered his first helium filled balloon. He still doesn’t quite understand...

Merry Christmas!

Tristan’s first Christmas was a lot of fun for all involved. He seemed to enjoy unwrapping gifts as much as he enjoyed playing with the boxes after the fact. Boru seemed to get into the spirit of things as well. And Tristan doesn’t yet know that books are boring...

The Empty Stocking

This is a very touching sermon from “The Bishop’s Wife”. It seems quite appropriate for the season: “Tonight I want to tell you the story of an empty stocking. Once upon a midnight clear, there was a child’s cry. A blazing star hung over a stable and wise men...

Tree Trimming in Kent

Tristan’s good friend Rory once again invited the Paynes up for a visit to Maple Stone, his family farm in Kent, CT. The weekend involved helping Rory’s dad steady the tree and collect logs for the fire. Tristan really appreciated the logs…and the resultant fire. He seemed to enjoy...

Late Night Pasketti

Pasta was on the menu after a nocturnal visit to the Bronx Zoo. Tristan celebrated his 9 month birthday with a trip to the Holiday Lights display at New York’s famous zoo. The visit was a gift of cousins Bobby and Danielle....

Baby Ennui

The boy is quite the character. Or so says his mom. This morning while being fed, his facial gestures and body language seemed to indicate a profound sense of boredom. Usually, Tristan finds something exciting to explore in everything and anything. This morning, however, while examining the velvety texture...