Author: tompayne

News from New Orleans

Jen and Tom’s good friend Fr. Jon Parks is a resident of New Orleans. There has been a lot of concern for him and it turns out he is alive and well… Dear Salesians, family, and friends…. Pray for all the parishoners at St. Rosalie in Harvey and the...

Get Crackin'

Jen get’s a kick out of this lobster bib…...


Apparently, Long Beach Island is the place to vacation when you live in NYC. At least that is the impression Tom has gotten over the years. You see, he is new to east coast vacations (as an adult) and never got to experience the Jersey Shore. Thanks to Greg...

Geeks in Space

It’s only three days from the premier of Star Wars – Episode III – Revenge of the Sith…and the geeks are lined up again in front of NYC’s Zigfield Theater. It saddened me to think that this is the last time these geeks will get to assemble in such...

That damned Chrinitoid thingy

Tom’s obsession with the Chrinitoid has gotten him published in the Rensselear alumni magazine. Jen still thinks he’s a bit crazy Chrinitoid from 1974 Transit (RPI’s yearbook)...

James' tsunami adventure

Tom’s friend James was visiting Thailand for Christmas & New Years this year when the tsunami hit. For several days, we didn’t know if James was among the thousands of unfortunate victims. On New Years day, Tom received the following email indicating James was alive and well…and has some...

Skull's 40th

Delinquents and SigEp’s (of numerous generations) converged on Skull’s place to help celebrate his 40th birthday. The traditional backyard BBQ took place on a beautiful day and was only interupted once when the local klaxons went off…apparently calling the volunteer firemen to action in order to help extingiush the...

Susan and Donny's Wedding

Our friends Susan and Donny (finally) got married this weekend. Susan and Donny’s courtship has been intertwined with Jen and Tom for most of their relationship. Donny was actually in the group of friends with Jennifer on the night she and Tom met. Donny and Susan rekindled their relationship...

Harvard on the Hocking

Jen and Marsha met while attending Ohio Univeristy in beautiful Athens, Ohio. They were sorority (technically, fraternity) sisters at Phi Mu. Here they are in front of their house....

Jersey Golfin'

Oru friend Elizabeth seems to get really excited about golf…that is until she gets off the first tee. But that seems to be the lot for golfers. She’ll learn that soon. We all seem to get one shot per outing that reminds us why we like chasing a tiny...