Search for the Chrinitoid

One of the landmarks of RPI during my time in Troy was the George Rickey sculpture titled Two Rectangles, Vertical Gyratory Up, otherwise known as The Chrinitoid. It was removed from campus because Rickey wanted RPI to buy it (see 1984 Polytechnic picture) . I have always wondered where the sculpture ended up. I am still searching.

Here are some of the references on the net:

Last time I was at RPI (December, 1997), I took this picture. Obviously, others hope that the Chrinitoid can be returned to it's former home if we ever find it!

While at Sense8, I developed a simple 3D simulation of the Chrinitoid using WorldUp. You'll need one of these players to view it.

There are other Rickey sculptures to be found on the net: