Category: Uncategorized

New Streetviews

Tom Cooper wrote me recently to point out that Google Maps have updated their streetview You probably know that there are some better views now on Google maps.  Here’s a screen shot of the Chrinitoid from the Street-view on Google. I have run into quite a few Rickey sculptures since...

Google Street Views

Jesse Eichenlaub (Class of’ ’79) write: I guess your “In Search of the Chrinitoid” website was put up before Google had street views. To get a good view of it plop yourself down on the street running along the NW side of the building. You can even see the...

Latest Sighting

Jim Beyl (Class of 79) sends he following: I can confirm your Google map location of the Chrinitoid. I make it to Zurich a couple times each year and took the attached photo on a recent trip in September of 2010 and sent this awsome picture:...

A note recieved today: Tom, I wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I enjoyed reading your “In Search of the Chrinitoid” website. I’m a recent fan of George Rickey’s work as well as other kinetic artists like George Sherwood. I have become obsessed with...

Where did the name come from?

I have had two recent requests for an etymology for the name “Chrinitoid”. One came from the curator of the art collection that now owns the sculpture, the other from a fan. A couple of years ago, I received an email from a fellow Chrin-lover and apparently, the story...

Rickey in Kansas City

From Tom Cooper ’72: I graduated from RPI in 1972. I only heard the name Chrinitoid recently from another RPI graduate who was several years behind me. Do you know where this name originated? I happened to look up Rickey recently because I found one of his sculptures in...

No Sale.

My wife is a big opera fan. As members of the New York Met’s “Young Associates” (a sort of junior Patrons group), we met a fellow Opera buff (Peter) who happened to be a financial advisor for UBS. Jennifer said “you have to tell him your college sculpture story”....

Boss trip

from Arne Johnson, class ’83 Hi Tom,In case you’re still looking….Last year when my boss went to Zurich, I gave her a mission to find the Chrinitoid. She did find it, but didn’t take a picture. This year when she went, I didn’t have to mention it. She found...

Updated Google Maps Visual

From Luigi Giasi ’89 Tom, Google maps has updated their photo of the location, it is later in the day and the shadow is now to the west. The Chrinitoid is clearly visible as one of the panel is in full sun and the other casts a large shadow!...

Another Thank You

From Stevepn R. Staton Tom, Let me first say THANK YOU for finding the Chrin. I’ve been looking for it for ears now. Also, thanks for the links … (ps. my last name is “Staton”, not “Stanton”). The 70’s photo” of the Chrinitoid is one I took in 1983...